Webinar 28/10/2021
Capital markets: At the heart of economic development.
Africa Capital Markets Forum Live in partnership with PERENITY Software organize the event around Capital Markets: At the heart of economic development.
The rise of African economies only makes sense if it is accompanied by a dynamic and efficient capital market. However, as the African Development Bank points out, “African financial markets are marked by their restricted, superficial, illiquid and deeply fragmented nature”. This finding says a lot about the challenges these markets are facing.
This web conference will provide a better understanding of the mechanisms that drive African capital markets, identify the main challenges and above all discuss a forward-looking vision of the fundamentals of a value-creating market capable of playing a fundamental role in development plans. post-covid recovery.
- Deciphering the trends driving African financial markets.
- What are the challenges of developing capital markets in Africa?
- What are the areas of intervention to allow the capital markets to fully play their role?
- Why is it important to set up efficient capital markets capable of mobilizing and efficiently allocating savings to finance the credit needs of economic agents and stimulate the continent’s development?
- Stock exchanges, capital market authorities, institutional investors and regulators, central banks, ministries of finance, debt management offices, how to unite all players around the same vision?
- How to take advantage of the extraordinary potential of digitalization and popular technologies?
Date & Time: Oct 28, 2021 12:00 PM